
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our New Arrival

Baby E about a week and half old. Photo by Ely Fair Photography

The blog has been quiet recently, but our house sure isn't. I'm sure you probably all know or suspect that our baby girl has arrived already (or else I would be waaay overdue)! Our sweet, little bundle of joy was born on Tuesday, February 28, at 9:15 p.m. (a few hours shy of Leap Day), weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and measuring 19.5 inches long. She had a full head of beautiful black hair and chubby cheeks. Although we are currently operating in survival mode right now, we feel so blessed to have a healthy, beautiful baby.

I have wanted to get back to the blog but have just been adjusting to this new life of diaper changes, nursing and trying to "sleep when the baby sleeps". Hopefully, I'll get around to blogging about my crazy, complicated birth story, give a tour of the nursery and get around to non-baby things. I've been thinking of starting another blog - all things baby and family related, so family and friends can keep up with us and I can document our new life with baby... but we'll see how motivated I am the next few months.

Here's a weekly photo I took of our baby at one week old. I don't have a two week photo because I sold my camera, but my new one should be coming tomorrow!

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