
Monday, January 23, 2012

Maternity Leave

Going on maternity leave was something that I had looked forward to for months, and now it's actually here! As the date quickly approached, the more and more nervous I got that I would be bored for the five weeks before my due date. I have been gainfully employed full-time since college (almost a decade ago) and even though this is a welcome change, change can also be a little unsettling. I am now adjusting to a new norm that doesn't involve an office, coworkers, projects and deadlines. To ease into this transition and make the most of my precious time these next five weeks, I have assigned myself projects that I hope to complete before the little one arrives. And...guess how many things are on my list...yes, 30. 

  1. Wash and hang baby clothes
  2. Pack hospital bags
  3. Install car seat & get checked
  4. Write up a birth plan
  5. Purchase any last items off registry that baby needs
  6. Make growth chart for baby’s room
  7. Make clothes size organizers for baby’s closet
  8. Print photos for frames in nursery
  9. Finish decorating/organizing nursery
  10. Make freezer meals to last one month
  11. Clean/Organize master closet & donate clothes
  12. Deep clean/organize & stock fridge/pantry
  13. Clean/organize the garage
  14. Clean the entryway/patio
  15. Organize hallway closets
  16. Order envelopes and paper for announcements
  17. Design/Address baby birth announcements
  18. Check out and read parenting/childcare books at library
  19. Finish reading 3 classic books
  20. Finish reading all of the Lineage of Grace
  21. Read The Hunger Games trilogy
  22. Read Mark of the Lion trilogy
  23. Go on walks with dog/do prenatal exercises
  24. Plan our last Valentine’s Day without a baby
  25. Make a list of date night ideas for the upcoming year
  26. Finish media room/buy furniture
  27. Update contacts/mailing list and set up e-mail list for baby announcement
  28. Create Pinterest projects
  29. Catch up with friends/plan lunches & dinners
  30. Weekly preggo updates on the blog

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