
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Life Lately

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and posts have been very few and far between. With such a huge impending change in my immediate future (the baby), I’ve been busy with life…preparing for our new addition (which involves reading lots of books and frequenting baby sites and stores), holidays and birthdays around every corner and trying to enjoy the last few months of life without hourly diaper changes and feedings.

I’ll just give the brief highlights of the major goings-ons lately:
We found out the sex/gender of our child and had a “gender reveal party” to announce to family and friends. Hubby wanted to refer to it as a “sex party,” but I didn’t want people getting the wrong impression…so "gender reveal" it was. Our announcement via cake ball resulted in…a team pink win! Yes, we’re adding another girl to our family, which I am extremely excited about! Let the pink ruffles and bows abound.

More on the baby front…we attended our first prenatal class at the hospital the last couple of Saturdays and learned all the ins-and-outs of caring for this little human who is growing more and more active in my belly. We swaddled and bathed plastic dolls, learned how to ease the adjustment of our four-legged baby to our new two-legged baby, and witnessed horrific photographs of what “normal” baby poop is supposed to look like. The nursery is slowly coming together…my hubby/baby daddy hung the curtains and chandelier (which almost didn’t happen-don’t ask), and the crib my parents bought the baby is now fully assembled and ready for a mattress and bedding.
Thanks, Daddy for hanging my beautiful chandelier, which
I will appreciate and love for years and years...Love, Baby

Natalie helped Daddy put together the crib

Non-baby stuff…I’m doing two different Bible studies this fall. One is the “Called to be a Keeper” study at our church, which I’m finding to be quite helpful as I plan to adjust to my new role in the coming months. It’s been a huge blessing to learn and hear experiences from women who are older and have much more life wisdom, while I’m just beginning my journey as a wife and mother. I would definitely recommend it to women in all stages of life, especially those in similar seasons of life as my own. Check out their website at The other study I’m doing with my Sunday school class is going through the new book “The Resolution for Women” by Priscilla Shirer, which is supposedly the woman counterpart somewhat linked to the new movie geared toward men called “Courageous”. This book proposes and outlines 13 resolutions for Christian women to lead a purposeful and directed life. It has also been very applicable to my current season in life and is an interesting read.

So there you have it…the major highlights. This year is flying by and now my life is passing in weeks as we countdown (or up) to the fateful 40-week mark. Currently, I’m at the 21 ½ week mark (more than halfway done baking the bun).  

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