
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weekend with the girls

In this crazy and hectic life, there are times when all we need is just a refreshing break spent in fellowship with other believers to revel in the majesty of our Savior. This weekend, my church Henderson Hills Baptist Church held a women's retreat called Gathering of Girlfriends, where hundreds of women came together to worship and draw closer to God. It was also a sweet time spent getting to know some girls better, and I'm also pretty sure I almost overdosed on chocolate and sweets.

My Sunday school group at the Gathering of Girlfriends
Although my church has been doing these retreats for years, this was actually my first year to attend. My husband happened to be out of town for a work conference this same weekend, so I felt an even stronger conviction to go this year. As I rushed out of work Friday evening into bumper-to-bumper traffic on the interstate, I sat in my car frustrated and frazzled but also anticipated what God wanted me to learn this weekend. Surely, He has me going to this thing for a reason. 

Earlier this week, I had already picked out and designed my new memory verse for the upcoming week and saved it to my iPhone. This verse happened to be what He kept bringing back to me throughout the retreat. It speaks of where and who our true hope and peace lie. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit," Romans 15:13.  

There is so much packed into this one verse if you carefully dissect it, but the word He kept whispering to me was "hope". Hope is a word that is used so frequently in everyday life..."I hope it doesn't rain," "I hope I can go to bed early," "I hope [insert sports team name] wins," etc. Whenever we use the word hope, we use it with the expectation of uncertainty of the future. This verse says that God is the "God of hope"...He is our hope, He is our future, He is certain of what will happen in the future; all we have to do is trust. 

Download the free 4x6 printable to remind you of this promise or save it as your iPhone wallpaper by clicking on the image of the verse and saving it to your phone. 

Also, here's one of my new favorite praise songs that we sang at the retreat.  

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You

I believe You’re my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You’re my Portion
I believe You’re more than enough for me
Jesus You’re all I need

My Healer, You’re my Healer

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

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